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December 2018 Newsletter

As I sit here next to my Christmas tree, I can't help but feel so thankful for this past year. This time of year, is a time of reflection and of hope, and I am full of both!

Hope In The Valley 2018

Enjoy a beautiful evening as you take in the sunset from the banks of Lake Dardanelle at New Hope’s “Hope In The Valley” event! Experience cuisine from the area’s best

New Hope Mural Painting Event

New Hope welcomes the public to come enjoy the day with us! We’ll be painting a mural on the side of a building on North Arkansas to inspire hope for

Wrapped In Light

It's not crazy of me to hope for peaceful times and lights surrounding me and hope... And to feel the swell of my soul being loved. But if I can have it in my little world then it's not just mine to have.

Faith, How Can We Have It

There’s a lot said in scripture about faith... We are told that without faith, it is impossible to please God, and that with even small faith, mountains can move. But, how can we have it?