So here is the picture… Me, eyes closed tight, wrapped up in twinkly lights, sitting in my own mess… And outside my mess are several other ones in exponential portions which I could not practically deal with in any way. And me… “Just give me a minute!”
In reality I wasn’t wrapped in Christmas lights but I wanted to be.
Part of what I do for New Hope is combing through articles about trafficking. I have read a lot of difficult things. The present need of the victims and the closeness of trafficking are not a surprise usually. However, that is not always the case. I was reading an article by another anti-trafficking organization… They were talking about the work they were doing and more areas that trafficking has been popping up in…. I might have gotten a paragraph into the article before closing the page. I couldn’t handle it.
Why can’t there be just this season to not have to face the struggles around me… just one season of beautiful peace…a season to quiet my own struggles. I just wanted to forget what I had read… wrap some beautiful gifts, put up some decorations, make some memories that sparkle like little lights in the night. I have had enough of my own life not turning out this year like I’ve hoped. My own mess has grown around me. New Hope has enough obstacles. And then I get introduced to another area that trafficking is overwhelming the world. Can I not just enjoy one season without any pain?
So yes, me… in my Christmas bubble.
Then this song comes up in my heart….
O holy night the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear savior’s birth
Low lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till he appeared and the soul felt it’s worth.
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
No longer pain, a new and glorious morn…
“A thrill of hope…” Me and my weary world rejoice! It’s not crazy of me to hope for peaceful times and lights surrounding me and hope… And to feel the swell of my soul being loved. But if I can have it in my little world then it’s not just mine to have… All the other messes I can’t figure out… All of that weary world… It all rejoices with me…. With us. He wraps us all in light. He himself is the light and the darkness has not overcome it.
And then we get down to this verse in the song…
Truly he taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall he break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease…
All I can say is…Yes! (And those truths, even though sang nonchalantly in carols, are solid and real and have Christ all over them.)
So I go back and read the article… Because for me to hope for my own mess means that I have hope for all the messes. I have hope that oppression will cease. I read about the world around me in a new light… The Christmas lights that I wrapped around me shine in a way that shows the reality of this season. Be full of peace as you wrap yourselves, each other, and the world around you in the light of hope. Be full of joyful beautiful peace. If ever the season came it is here… And we have reason to hope.
Merriest Christmas
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