“People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he was indignant. He said to them “let the children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” Mark 10 13-16
Have you ever wanted to know the heart of God??? Here it is in plain language. Ever wanted to know what the “kingdom of God” is?? Here it is in action!! Ever wanted to know what your destiny in life is? What would God have you do?? Here it is written down for you!!
My wife and I have ministered to over a thousand people in the last twelve years or so face to face. Broken people, discouraged people, hopeless people, successful people, rich and poor alike!!! Chance meetings in airports and restaurants and planned secret meetings, all forms and fashions! The one question I always ask God before we start, my one request of Him, “let me see them as you see them Papa! Please give me your eyes and your heart for them” I ask this because I know He sees them full of hope and love! Full of a bright future! Full of Destiny!!
It’s not that God is unaware of their scars and wounds, He is. It’s just that He knows these things don’t define them. Those scars and wounds aren’t who they are! The heart of God is to touch them, bring out and instill hope and courage to be who He made them to be! We are all made in His image. The Kingdom of God is filled with people who trust God like a little child. The Kingdom of God is our destiny written in us, not some mystical ideal. It is within us!
So when you ask your questions:
What is Gods heart?
What is the Kingdom of God?
What is my part in it all?
It’s all here in Mark, love and care for the children, bring them to Jesus! Bring them into His presence, you have His presence in you.
We will keep loving the children one at a time. We will continue to make access to God possible by loving and caring and being a safe place! Why not join us! You have it in you, we would love to have your help!
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